FRA 521

Owner: Eric de Turckheim
Design: Botin
Builder: Longitud Cero

Teasing Machine

Eric de Turckheim and Teasing Machine are well known names in offshore racing winning the Transatlantic Race twice, the Rolex Middle Sea Race in 2022 and recently the Round Ireland Race. Racing his 54ft Teasing Machine Eric has seen plenty of TP52 action next to his boat but now has bought one, the 2017 Gladiator (ex Interlodge), to venture into WL racing and the 52 Super Series. Great to see another team from France join, enjoy!!

Crew 2024:

1 Eric de Turckheim FRA Helm
2 Laurent Pagès FRA Tactician
3 Patrick Aucour FRA Navigator
4 Jules Mazars   Backstays
5 Quentin le Nabour   Main
6 Laurent Mahy   Upwing trim
7 Paco Lepoutre   Downwind trim
8 Frederic Brousse   Grind
9 Pierre Laouenan   Grind
10 Arnoud Vasseur   Grind/Float
11 Quentin Bouchacourt   Pit
12 Bertrand Castelnerac   Mid bow
13 Jerome Teillet   Bow

Photo 2024